test accommodations- the scam

I don't know about other schools, but my law school has testing accommodations for students that require (subjective) extra time to take finals rather than the scant 2 hours and 45 minutes us po' souls are allotted.

Here's the dealyo- we get 2 hours and 45 minutes for each final exam (usually half the time is spent trying to figure out what the fuck this essay question is asking)but for those students who have test anxiety, ADD, ADHD and any other slue of behavioral/emotional disorders may request extra time. Up to 6 FUCKING HOURS EXTRA. So there is a small percentage of students that have a genuine, documented medical reason for needing extra time, the other 98% play the game. What is the game?
Step 1- go to our wizard of extra time Dr. B and have him "evaluate" you. He gives you a list of doctor offices that the law school is in cahoots with, I mean works with, to get a psychological exam
Step 2- shell out $500-$600 to said doctor office to pass or fail, depending how you look at it, the exam so the doctor can conclude "This student clearly needs extra time."
Step 3- go back to Dr. B so he can give you 15 extra minutes, 20, 30 extra minutes or hell how about 3 extra hours.
Step 4- never worry about time constraints EVER AGAIN

Everyone pretty much knows how to fib a behavioral exam, it's not that hard nor scientific. Basically my school's policy is if you have the money, you have the extra time. Not only that these extra time students ARE GRADED together with everyone else who had to sweat monkeys in 2.45 to finish the final. I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure statistically the students with extra time have higher grades. Of course if you just don't know the material it doesn't matter if you have 2 days, the point is it's complete bull shit. I would love to have an extra fucking 10 minutes to just look over my exam. Rare is the occasion I finish a test early, and if I do I'm worried as fuck that I fucked up. The other sick part about it is, no one's getting extra time on the fucking bar exam. Yet somehow I can still manage to pull decent grades in the short amount of time. I just know that if I had a few extra hours I could do even better. I know I am bitter that I don't have extra time, the system is fucked and it's just another fucking (ingenious yet evil) way that my school drains money out of you. You scam the doctor, the doctor "scams" the school, the school gets paid. It's a win-win. If I had $600 to spare, of course I would be down. I heard you could try to get financial aid to pay for the exam, but come the fuck on, that's just more BS and more $$ down the drain. I guess I wouldn't be so pissed if the extra timers were not graded in the same batch as us, grade them on a different scale or something. You already labeled them special, grade them special. I don't even know if it's worth trying because I'm pretty sure I could get the extra time, but is it worth the effort? Maybe, possibly. I don't know. Fuck you.


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