5lbs. later.....

Ughhh....all that food was a bad(good) idea. I'm busting out of my jeans. It's like I'm a grizzly, I've def packed on the pounds for the long winter ahead which is just around the corner. It was 86 today and it's going to be 59 tomorrow, now I know I'm back in NY.

Ok enough about weather and trans fats, school has definitely been an adjustment. I have 4 classes, Mon-Thurs, each class is twice per week. My old system was once per week for 3 hours. So essentially the number of hours for class is the same because 3 out of 4 classes are an hour and a half long but its broken up in 2 days. It's definitely something to get used to. I try to do the reading for the whole week instead of having to do homework everyday. The only thing that blows is that 3 out of 4 professors do not allow laptops, which would seem fine since the classes are only 1.5 hrs. but still....I HAVE ADD and lets not forget I do my best posts in class. Ughh bastards. Property is the class I loathe/like. I like the professor because he's funny (and Jewish) but the material good gawd property is definitely a class that you have to practice, practice, practice. On top of that, I didn't take property at Stooley because it's a 2 part class, prop I and II, so I just didn't get a chance to fit it in at a good time during my transfer process. So at my new school, it's a first year course so I have all the stupid, new 1Ls in class who must be clinically brain dead. They ask the stupidest questions, always off topic, wander off into hypo land and generally I want to shut them all up so we can get through class, it's a 2 hr. 45min class...IN THE MORNING! SHUT UP!

On top of that, the kid that sits next to me is inconsiderate, his shit is always everywhere in my space and is too close for comfort. I should actually being doing homework right now. I'm just not in the mood. Evidence, Prop, Employment Discrimination and last but not least, my favorite, the Legal Profession. Let me tell you about the Legal Profession, its a 3 credit course and it's supposed to count for my ethics credit. I think I need like 3 credits of ethics but there's no ethics class so you have to get the credit here and there from other classes. This is besides the point, the point I'm trying to make is that the class, which explores the different challenges lawyers face in their profession, such as ethics and other issues of professional responsibility, is being taught by a Ph.D. ANTHROPOLOGY MAJOR!!!!!

Are you fucking kidding me? Someone who has "taken some law courses" and has a skill background in antrho (really?) is teaching ME (and my classmates) about what it's like to be a lawyer??? And then have the nerve to assign a shit load of reading, most of which are articles SHE wrote because she has also "observed a lot of lawyers." Good for fuckin you. I've observed a lot drunk people, does that make me an AA expert (probably)? I don't know I really would rather hang myself than sit i that class all damn day. Well it's not all day but it feels that way. She is the only prof who allows laptops though so at least I can play a lot of free cell. Anyway it's just a common sense easy A and she definitely seems nice enough I just want to stab myself in the neck with my pen.

Anywho, I miss all my lovies stuck in the midwest but don't worry doll faces I'll see yall in a couple weeks. So I suppose 'em I'll do some evidence tonite. Focker out.


  1. i hate it when ppl get their papers all up in my space. annnnnnnooooyyying.


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