
Have you ever had a "what the fuck?!?" moment? Where you hear and/or see something that makes you stop in your tracks and you either exclaim outloud, to the person next to you (even if it is a complete stranger) or just in your head? Well lately, I've been having several WTF moments, since I didn't write them down I can't remember all of them. But lets try to start back during holiday break. This was after Christmas and I went to the mall to exchange some stuff for a different size/look at the holiday sales. The mall I went to was the fabulous Somerset mall in Troy, MI. Seriously huge. But not as huge as Fashion Square in Scottsdale, AZ. Anywho, as one might imagine in January in Michigan it tends to be cold. As one would also imagine, it is very difficult to find a parking spot during the holiday season at the mall. One would therefore reason that when one sees someone exiting the mall and heading towards their vehicle that the person would warm up their car before leaving said parking spot. As I exited the mall and headed toward my vehicle to warm it up another vehicle waited for me to leave the parking spot which I would have been happily obliged to give up, because it was a pretty good spot. HOWEVER, I was not sitting in the car for more than 20 seconds before this mother fucker started beeping his horn. This leads me to WTF moment #1......

As I so eloquently put in my deductive reasoning (thanks law school) I HAVE TO WARM UP MY CAR YOU DUMB MOTHER FUCKER. And you know what, you catch more mother fuckin bees with mother fuckin honey you fucking bastard.

Needless to say, this prompted me to move slower, chill in the car, call a friend and I even contemplated getting out of the car and going back into the mall. Just to prove a point. But instead, after about 10 minutes (because trust me this asshole deserved it) I pulled out and flipped him the bird.

What does this have to do with law school? Well other than the fact that law school has made me surly and intolerant, it brings me to WTF moment #2.......BOOKS.

Everyone knows buying books in school, whether it's undergrad, nursing school, Devry, what have you, textbooks can be very, very expensive. When you have to buy them from the bookstore, the money racks up quickly. I am currently enrolled in 4 classes this term and every class demands at the very least 2 books each.
Class 1, 4 books- $39.50
                             11.25 (rent- 7. 31)
                             160 (used-120, rent- 78)
Class 2, 1 book-   $160 (used-120, rent-78)
Class 3, 2 books- $26.99
Class 4, 3 books- (my prof didn't order them thru the bookstore & loaned me 1, so these prices are from Amazon)          
Total-                  $431.55
(*using the best case scenario)
**So in my psychosis I added another class with another 2 books which brings the total somewhere closer to $500 fuck you paper)

For a broke ass student w/ no job this is a lot of fuckin money. You know what I could do with $400, besides pay rent and bills? Buy some clothes, groceries, register for the MPREs and go to a conference in DC in March. While this is fairly cheap for a semester, some friends of mine have paid almost $1,000 for one semester of text books. WHAT THE FUCK?!? Class #1 is particularly annoying because one of the books is a fucking novel.....a NOVEL! WTF! Who the fuck has time to read a novel in between other classes and writing briefs and memos? Dear Prof, why do you think we don't read for fun anymore? Because we are afraid of words! Textbooks give us nightmares and reading for fun is a past time from a distant past.

Fortunately, there are some ways to get around paying for books. I heart the library and usually your library is required to carry the books your professors use. But that become troublesome if the book is already checked out. So there are some good sites out there where you can try to get cheaper textbooks, Amazon,, Ebay, and my all time favorite, Chegg is a text rental company that ships the book to you for free (I think) but does I know for sure pay for the shipping back. This site saved me $200 one term. Also, look at the texts your prof requires, usually code classes have code books that you can find online and therefore avoid paying for an expensive code book. Also, my school has implemented a text rental system in the bookstore as well as the oft time cheaper bookstore College Textbooks (most schools have one of these in town). Another tip, don't buy novels for class. 9 times out of 10, it's not going to be on the test, the info is just to illustrate to point and/or so the prof can drill you about specifics that you don't give a fuck about. I had another prof who required a novel for class, I didn't buy the book, I didn't read the book, and the book was to illustrate an example of class action lawsuits. It was mentioned maybe 3 times in class and was basically a waste of time and money. So when you have a WTF moment like I did when I walked in the bookstore with my list and walked out pissed as fuck. Take a breath, get the WTF out, write on your blog, and circumvent the system. After all, isn't that what they're teaching us to do to be lawyers anyway?

SO, while we are on the topic of professors, my friend sent me this article which brings me to WTF moment #3. This is a real life story about a vet student who got pregnant and was not able to sit for her final exams. Her prof then sent out an email to the rest of the class to decide her fate for the term. Seriously, what the bloody fuck?!? For the article and blog where she sent it from go here.

It was an outrageous example of how university professors think they can do whatever they want and well....they pretty much can. Schools give their professors wide discretionary authority to mete out grades, academic discipline, penalties and rewards. While this seems like a normal function of the education system, many educators let this power go to their head. And where are the checks and balances? The evaluations we do at the end of term? Come on. Law school professors are THE MOST WELL PAID professors in the entire educational system. The thousands of dollars each student ponies up for their degree has these mother fuckers rolling in dough. So when students complain that they are paying their professors salaries IT IS TRUE. In essence THEY are working for US, but why are we still being punished? If I'm paying you there are some things I would like to see instituted in my institution:

1. Attendance- why the fuck should I be penalized for not going to class. My educational fate is in my hands, I'll go if I want to. If I don't go to class that's my problem and if I fail, that's on me.
2. Books- besides the aforementioned, if you write a textbook that I'm required to buy, I guess you should give it to me for free. Aren't you already getting enough royalties from other universities that use your book?
3. Attitude- how about get off your high horse and get on my level. You are not better than me. There is no reason to be a dick to your students. Do you understand what the term 'educator' means?
4. End class when the class is supposed to be ended. We don't want to be here any more than you do, so stop keeping us past the time. We don't like paying you overtime. Haha. And you wonder why I drink?

In their defense, I wouldn't be where I am today without being taught by teachers. They are a very important aspect of the education system. So I do salute (some of) you.

Please let me know if you have any other suggestions on getting cheaper textbooks and definitely let me know what you think about the prego student and the crazy professor saga.


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