factors, we all love factors

It's been awhile lovers but mostly because school has started up again. For those of us that go to school year round, we are all suffering. There hasn't been that many good warm days however here in the midwest armpit of America.

A friend and I were discussing our new, absentminded law school selves. Granted that we were all probably really absentminded before we got to school, being here has made us, to outsiders, flat out insane. You may be suffering from the law school dilemma if:

1. You talk out loud to yourself...in public
2. You're always on autopilot when driving. Your body drives you somewhere but your mind wants to go somewhere else. (I've had to consciously tell myself to drive to the grocery store otherwise my body will just automatically drive me to work or school. Weirddd).
3. You get mad when see you groups of people smiling or laughing.
4. The security guards at the library know you by name.
5. You refer to friends or family members dilemmas in terms of plaintiff and defendant...when you're talking to them....and analyze their problem as if it were a fact pattern in an essay.
6. For that matter, everything you see is a fact pattern and you can't help but analyze it.
7. You're an alcoholic

It's just kind of amusing. Definitely let me know if there are other factors you suffer from the law school dilemma.

A nice little tidbit on my transfer update:
I got a letter of recommendation from a professor and she has already sent it to LSAC. Now if I can only get my grades.....

Grades, honor code, and outlandish expenditures for athletic facilities will be the next post...Stay tuned.


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