fast times at high school high

Can I talk about how much I hate people. I mean truly hate them.

Only g-d knows why I chose to be in a "helping" profession when most of the people I come across I want to stab. Who is the object of my hatred today? The security guard at school. Specifically this dumb motherfucker who has nothing better to do than annoy other students. Always in their faces and saying stupid shit. I know on at least 3 different occasions he has threatened to write some friends up. WRITE UP?!? Are we in fucking high school? Must be because we have hall monitors, cliques and gossip. Just now, this low life, seriously, honestly and truthfully threatened to write me up for sitting on a table.


Choke on your food and die you piece of shit, no life having, lame-o, cunt muffin.

10:00 AM needs to become socially acceptable to go drinking....and not just for winos. Speaking of hatred, anyone else annoyed with their professor? Mine has a nervous laugh and word vomit problem. She goes on tangents about random shit that have nothing to do with the subject we are discussing. And this horrible, nervous laugh that makes me want to gag her. Other than that, she's a nice person, good prof. Just put a filter on her.

Getting ready for a library day....


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