things that make you go hmm

more nonsense....

would your school build a parking lot next to your library and then not allow you to use it? make it only for staff parking but have more spots than staff and ticket the students....does your school does this?!?!?! i hate this school

2 more applications due on july 1st but this unfortunate dilemma called being BROKE is gonna make it more difficult. so i have to decide between ub law and wayne state, do a coin tossage and see who wins. i have monday to decide. monday MORNING because i have an interview (yahoo!) lets hope i get it because although quitting my job at the shittiest work environment EVER, i really need $$. so pray for me folks.

i was on the phone w/ a friend today and she had to delete some voicemails, so she so kindly put it on 3-way calling so she didn't have to call me back, because she's lazy too. Anyway, it was really funny because there was an old message from me back from finals last term in may and i sounded like a crazy person! i think she saved it maybe she can email it to me somehow so i can post it on here. it was mostly about cutting myself and going underground and leaving the library at 12am.

which brings me to this link my friend posted about the sneaky hate spiral. it's from another blog and it reminds me of what we law students go through on a trimesterly basis. its spread out over 4 months and at the culmination of all the shit that goes through at the end of the semester, we are walking shells of human beings. its a sick, sick cycle and its about to rear its ugly head. its week 9 so we're about half way through the semester sooo that means were about to embark on our own downward spiral.

Stage 1: The Beginning
The semester starts, you're optimistic. You have the ability to socialize, go out with friends, got to a movie, avoid the library, and promise yourself to do better this term; studying harder, get better grades and stay organized. You even look like a normal person, wearing jeans to class and maybe even make up if it's a sunny day. Hair is combed, body is groomed and

Stage 2: The Inquisition
You start to notice that people around you, usually not your friends, are going to tutorials and study sessions. There is more purpose to everyone's walk. You start asking people how they are coming along with their Property 2 outline or if they are done with their second memo. You start to question yourself, "did i do anything today?" "should i go to the library?" "what exactly is future interest?" Grooming has become...hit or miss. Some days you look like a functioning member of society and some days you don't. Make up has discontinued and the ponytail has resumed. Guys have started shoving baseball caps over their greasy hair. Procrastinating sill seems like it's OK, so instead of opening up con law, you watch blades of glory on tbs and deal with article 2 tomorrow.

Stage 3: The Panic
By this time you realize you have not taken any notes all semester nor do you really know exactly what the elements are to defamation. You're always on edge and snapping at anyone and everything that gets in your way. Class time is used primarily to update your outline in a different class that you're behind in; while simultaneously reading ahead in case your prof brings back the Socratic method. Most days are spent at the library while you reminisce about the weekends that used to be filled with laughter and food. Shower: optional. Sweat pants: mandatory

Stage 4: The Breakdown
At this point the SPCA Sarah McClahlan commercial sends you to tears. Friends and family are avoiding you, which is fine because you're avoiding everyone except your study group and the circulation desk. Eating has become a luxury long forgotten. Meals are primarily between 2am and 6am. Most students have completely given up on personal hygiene. Weaves are in disarray, most days you don't unwrap your hair but throw a beanie on top, some girls just stick with wearing a scarf around their public. Coffee and any other stimulant is the only input in your body. Sleep has been reduced to shutting your eyes every few seconds. Contemplating suicide in done on a daily basis.

Stage 5: Finals
You feel raped. Raw. Without lube. But guess what, you have another final tomorrow so you can't really soak your butthole like you want to, back to the books.

Stage 6: THE CRASH
It's over. You're still kind of on edge because you're not sure if what you just went through actually happened or if you imagined it. After a few days you finally start to unwind and get that paranoid look out of your eyes thinking that contracts is stalking you. Sleep for 3 days straight. 1 more week til it happens all. over. again.

People who are not law students nor want to ever practice law probably wonder why we put ourselves through this cycle. It's because we really do want to be lawyers...deep down. The life we lead is crazy but I guess I wouldn't want it any other way (that's a lie). But you know what I mean.


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