it's happening....

It's 2am, do you know where your child is?
Well my mother's youngest child is in the library working on a memo. Topic: confidential. Why? You will get kicked out of school if you disclose it. Or something crazy like that. I can't believe that this semester is almost over!! It feels like it just started holy cannoli. I called UB today, rejection letters should be sent out at the end of the week and my online status for Penn State is currently "application under review." EEEEeeeeek. So back up few terms I'm loading up to 4 or 5 classes to get out. It's weird because we're on trimesters so we end up having more credits in a year than other law schools. For example, a school thats on a 2 term system, fall and spring, a student usually takes 4 or 5 classes, 3 credits a piece, per term giving them roughly 24-30 credits per year. Here, you can take anywhere from 1-6 classes per term, 3 credits for cores, 2 for electives and end up with a butt load more in a year. So I'm registered for 12 credits next term, leaving me with only 6 core classes left...translation: I'M ALMOST DONE!
Scary I'll be practicing law in a few short semesters. Tearing up shit in the court room, yelling objection. Honestly, I just can't wait to start making money so I can pay off my loans (and other incurring debt). Having a high credit score is as big a dream as being lawyer. My goal is to pay off (undergrad and law school) my loans in 5 years. FIVE. That's it. My contracts prof paid her and her husband's off in 7 years, and there were 2 of them, and they both went to law schools. Granted they had 2 incomes but double the debt and a growing family, her being preggers and all after they got married. But she said fuck if I can do it, so can you, so don't fuck up. I know I will be living just as frugally making $90,000 per year as I am making no grand per year.
Ok, I really needs to get back to this memo. It's cold as fuck in this library (luckily I have my snuggie) and people are gettin loud. Can't wait to get out of this shit hole for the weekend and spend it in a normal citaay. Even though I'll be doing work, it's still nice to get away, get my hair done, maybe get a Starbucks? Ok, I'm delirious, one more paragraph on this bitch then I'm going home to try to sleep. Shoulda brought a sleeping pill with me.
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