Pt. 1- law school fashion

well seeing as how i am in law school, getting dressed is a daily task. sweats, snow boot or sneakers are whats up. jeans if its really cold, but then usually tights under the sweatpants works just as well.
1. Why?
2. Why?
Our classes are 3 hours long, and if we exclude the people that have jobs/internships/etc. you are essentially putting on full make up and hair for girls or trying to GQ it up for guys. Is there some type of discotech that i don't know about? Are yall hooking up between classes and grabbing drinks at a club....during the day?
My school's classes are 3hr time blocks like I said from 9am-12pm, 2pm-5pm, 3pm-6pm or 6pm-9pm. In the early block who the fuck has time to get up and do their hair? let alone make up, choose an outfit, WEAR STILETTOS IN THE SNOW, and strut to class? where the fuck are you going. you're sitting for 3 hours w/ a 20 min break. so for those 20 minutes is it really that necessary to dress to the nines?
Usually its the 1st termers, they have a misconceived notion that upper termers care what they look like. I actually wore jeans for a while and real shirts. That stopped pretty quickly when i spent most of my time either in the library or sleeping. Comfort is king. Jeans turned in to sweatpants, shirts into sweatshirts. When I would go shopping, I would shop for sweats, not jeans not anything cute to wear, JUST SWEATS. After the initial allure of dressing myself for class wore off like it does for most of us, I still noticed people dressing like they were either going to a club or going to take a case. There's 4 main categories of fashion here in law school:
1. Dress to Impress- He or she will take those words literally, seriously, figuratively, whatever. The dress codes they have at clubs is their example. No white tees, no fitteds, no flip flops. Stilettos heels or boots, boots or really nice shined leather shoes for guys. Full hair, curly (even in the morning), make up, accessorized, pretty much decked the fuck out. You generally see them strutting their stuff on the imaginary catwalk in their mind.
2. Business cas/prof- He or she either has some type of job after class or an organization to go. This is excusable. There are dress codes that the work place enforces which you have to follow.
3. Law school business professional- These motherfuckers just don't have lives. They don't have a job so they have no need or reason to dress up. They wear suits, ties, blazers just for the sole reason of being in law school. These people make me sick because they are just as bad as the first group. Where the fuck do you think you're going? Will you survive the Socratic method better? Will you get better grades? More attendance points? NO SO STOP WEIRDO.
4. Law school cas- Most people fall w/in this group. Try to look somewhat decent, even if they are in sweats. Jeans, sweats, sweaters, t-shirt people are all in this group. Laid back functional style for the rough school week.
4b. Assed out- This look rolls in around week 10 or 11. Finals are coming, all nighters are being pulled, you just plain don't give a fuck. I can speak for myself when I say I look probably the most jacked up of all.
When I do law school fashion pt. 2 I'll have some pictures of each group. I think that would make me giggle and give me something to do other than school work and this blog.
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