Lets talk about 9am classes that go for 3 hrs. long....
I am not a morning person, every Wednesday is a struggle for me to make it to class on time. If I take a shower at night, I can sleep longer and get up around 8:15am and (in a perfect world) make it to class by 8:50-55ish. Unfortunately there are several factors playing against me: I like to go out on Tues nites w/ my coworkers which brings with it its own sets of problems. Hungover/still drunk, setting my alarm for pm instead of am, etc. Then of course the fact that I already mentioned that I'm NOT a morning person, I may in fact be allergic to mornings. I'm always sneezing and stuffed up, weird but true. If I don't shower the night before this requires me to get up earlier than normal. I have to set double alarms, my regular alarm is 20 minutes faster than my phone alarm and even on a good Tuesday night when I can somehow manage to get to bed at a decent hour it still hurts and if I'm more than 5 minutes late the prof can mark me absent for up to an hour. I have already used my 2 excused absences from class. I CANNOT miss anymore class time or I could be dropped from the class by the registrar (fucked up, I know). I tend to be forgetful in the am, I've forgotten my notebook or power cord for my laptop on a couple occasions, which is also problematic because I like (well force) to go to the library after class since I get out at noon and don't want to drive all the way back home. If I go home I will most assuredly go back to bed. All in all its always a hectic race against the clock in the morning.
That being said, once I get to class I am generally OK. I somehow manage to brew a pot of coffee so I can semi-function & the class is interesting (con law 2-civil liberties). My prof is....ok but I love our sub we've been having b/c my regular prof is ill. So its pretty interesting material. Affirmative action, segregation, privacy rights, abortion, gay marriage, etc. etc.
HOWEVER lets not forget fellow classmates its STILL REALLY EARLY IN THE MORNING. shut the fuck up once in awhile. No one cares about your personal stories, trials or tribulations. Start a diary (or a blog) b/c I sure as fuck don't want to use my attention that I have somehow mustered up at the crack of dawn divided to you so you can make a comment about a case, not a question but a comment. "In my school we had the urban-suburban program that bussed......." SO DID I! Your little experience ain't gonna be on the exam so please STFU! My sub does a good job of trying to keep comments to a minimum, my reg. prof would always end class early (joy!) and then ask and ask and ask and ask if there were any questions or comments that would keep us there well until the end of class at 11:50. On several occasions I would just have to bounce, ending class at 11am and people still want to sit there?? There's always one, but in a class of 80-90 there's several. Please, please, please God shut them up.
I participate in class too when the prof asks a question. Questions need answering but save your comments for the prof during break, after class, or in an email. Not only will everyone appreciate it but I won't give you death stares or make rude groanings. We won't even get into the topic of stupid questions, because it just elicits the same response.
Less is more, shut your noise maker.
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