my meds are wearing off

Don't you hate it when you're pumped full of stimulants, and you think you can tackle ALL your subjects in ONE sitting....
then to be brutally rebuffed when you come crashing down from your high and want to go home? But you keep your books out anyway and stare at them, hoping they will open themselves are write their way into your outline?

Well that's the stage I'm at now. And no, I am not doing work. My eyes are burning and my ass hurts like hell. I got through catching up on my property outline and that took most of my strength. How much can the human body take?

  • The average attention span of an adult is 20 minutes
  • The average time to study per night on one subject is 3 hours
  • The average amount an adderall XR 10 mg lasts if 6 hours
  • Depending on your caffeine addiction the average amount of time coffee lasts is 10 minutes
  • The average energy drink lasts 1 hour
I don't know where I was going with this, but I think law school is supposed to groom us for long hours at the office. Here's some legal professions I found that have regular 9-5s or something of an average 8 hour day, with reasonably pay:

  • Tax lawyers
  • Patent attorneys
  • Law professors (less than 8 hrs)
  • Legal secretary
  • Most in-house counsels
I'm pretty tired, I definitely had something important to say but I really can't remember. I'm going home. (I'll edit if I remember,ooh I think it was substance abuse in the legal profession but I'm too tired to go into that right now).


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