the post about hate...wait they're all about hate

Here are some things that annoy me right now (and may annoy you too) that have nothing directly to do with law school, but somehow is causing me to not focus on studying.

5. Dancing w/ D-list celebrities
First, why is this a show. Second, I should be blamed for giving it attention when it sucks. Third, Bristal Palin? Any Palin entity need not ever be on TV ever for anything because you're a moron. Which brings me to number 4.

4. Sarah Palin has a show on TLC
REALLY??? I can't believe TLC would put a person on TV who said that she can see Russia from her porch. C'mon new low.

3. The holidays.
I'm already sick of Christmas and it's not even December yet. In fact, I got sick of Christmas when holiday music started playing in October. This is why I am converting to Judaism, Christmas has been commercialized beyond belief. People who participate in stampedes and tramplings on black Friday are dumb, yes I said you are all fuckin stupid. Don't yall realize we're in a recession and you probably can't afford that flat screen? Dumbass. I hate you.
2. That commercial w/ the kid
You know, the one where the kid said his parents need to get a hipper minivan so he's not embarrassed to be picked up from school? How about, you can't drive, you're lucky your parents pick you up because I would put your ungrateful ass on the bus. Way to teach materialism at age 10. The worst part about this commercial is not the fact that a child can't buy a car, or that Toyota or whoever is using children as a demographic, but that both of these things combined have made my continuous loss of faith in humanity perpetual.

1. I can't afford these boots
Guess by Marciano $238 :(
Fergie Fallen $169


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