it begins

This finals week, let's try not to accidentally learn what these horrible stimulants are doing to our bodies

Well friends, family, fellow law students, it's that time of the semester again FINALS. That lovely time of year with no sleep, no eating, extreme battery to our insides with coffee, energy drinks, prescription drugs, etc. Well all know it. We all dread it. Welcome, welcome.

This finals time I have con law 1, literally consisting of just that horrendous & amorous document we all come to love the Constitution AND con law 2- individual liberties. I decided to take them both at the same time to get them over with in one fell swoop and it made sense credit wise for transferring (which is a whole 'nother story). Each class is presenting its own problems. I took both classes during undergrad and I believe I got a B and A respectively. Unfortunately as well all know, undergrad has nothing to do with law school and although the cases are the same, the information we get out of them is drastically different.

As a person who actually loves con law (and something I want to do career wise in the future) con law 1 has driven me completely mad. What with the dormant commerce clause, the regular commerce clause, the need to memorize articles, clauses and sections, I am completely at my wits end. I am trying my best to plow through and definitely am involved in study groups but it still is very difficult. Especially with my prof since I have to sort thru his bull shit to get to the meat.

Con law 2, interesting as it is, has its own sets of problems. Damn tests, different scrutinies and government purposes is a jumble in the noggin. Today is a con law 2 day (since I have it tomorrow) so I've got to read and update my outline. I guess I am grateful that at least the tests are the same for each class, strict scrutiny (narrowly tailored to meet a legit gov't interest) means the same in con law 1 as it does in 2. Also I have both finals on the same day, one in the morning, one in the afternoon. Which of course has it cons, but at least I will be done with them sooner and I can focus on my transfer requirements for the summer. Did I mention I was taking summer semester off? I am, can't wait. Our school is year round, 3 semesters per year, so I haven't had a summer in awhile so I will definitely be looking forward to it.

ANYWHO, so it's off to studying with me and I hope the same for you too. Best of wishes, I may be scarce while deep within the depths of my madness, but I wish everyone the best of luck, especially my fellow classmates who have a ton of bull shit to deal with. And that will be the next blog our whole test procedures which is bull shit bull shit bull shit. Happy studying


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