the library

I don't know about other law libraries out there but mine (ours?) is pretty whack. Most of my disdain from my law school stems from the library and since I heart venting I will begin w/ the outside of the library to the inside, that is how much I hate it.
(actual pic of lib)

1. We have to be such and such feet away to smoke. I understand the non-smokers peril BUT if we are NOT exactly such and such feet from the lib to smoke a cig then we WILL be written up for an honor code violation or harassed by the library security guard. Ridic I know. There is no smoking overhangs like at my beloved undergrad institution (UB) but the overhang that the lib does have smokers like to congregate under during inclement weather which is far enough from the entrance to the lib to avoid people coming in and out and the non-smokers. But not far enough away for DA RULEZ. I've only been harassed once by a security guard there so that's not too bad, I think the homeless people downtown are more of a nuisance.

2. The security guard, yeah we need him/her. Like I said campus is downtown and a lot of riff raff hang about so I know the law lib doesn't want to turn into a public lib where homeless people hang out. HOWEVER EACH AND EVERYTIME a student enters the lib we have to have our school id scanned...ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Even if I run out to my car and run back in scanned, out for a smoke scanned. Set up a goddamn self swiping system, its not that difficult.

3. NOT OPEN 24 hrs. enough said.

4. NO FOOD OR DRINK in the lib. Unless the drink is in a travel mug or water bottle. Our library literally has posts all over it w/ lists of "prohibited items" energy drink cans, to go coffee from our neighborhood coffee spot. ITS STUPID. When I am studying, (espesh during finals) you better believe I have food and/or drink w/ me. I'm not gonna leave everytime I need a snack or a pick me up...We are also not kindergartners. The average law school student is 25, by then the majority of us have figured out how not to be slobs. While I admit some are, most of us can clean up after ourselves for fuck's sake. DUMB DUMB DUMB.

5. Group study rooms are NOT on a first come first serve basis. You have to leave you & your group members cards w/ the circulation desk and get the room checked out, like a book! And you can only have the room for 3 hours BUT the awesome part is we have dry erase boards in the rooms so you can have the markers (which also need checking out) for 10 hours. Does that make any sense to anybody??? You can't be in the room by yourself which I understand to an extent during finals and stuff study groups are better suited for the rooms than 1 person but during slow hours a person here or there in a study room should be able to use it. Which we generally do, to eat food. There have been so many issues w/ people getting kicked out of rooms b/c "I signed up for this room." How bout get another room or fuck off? Yes I have been guilty of kicking kids out of rooms, but the system is so fucked its hard not to get sucked in.

6. NO CAFE only vending machines which usually steal your money, awesome!

7. Shutting off the internet a half hour before the lib closes. that's it for now on the lib. A lot of the above issues (1, 4, & 7) are issues for the main campus building too. My school's so freakin ridic I can't stand it. And yes I am trying to transfer. Well I'm in the lib now so I suppose I shall study hard.

Oh and there are no more padded chairs. My ass will constantly be sore


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