in english please, you know i don't speak spanish!
this is totally random but why the fuck does the legal profession use LATIN! We don't speak Latin and we don't understand it so why the fuck is there shit like modus operandi, res ipsa loquitur and viva voce.....WHEN THE SAME THING CAN BE CONVEYED IN ENGLISH!!
I'm so sick of that bull shit! On top of that, I understand we get most of our common law from England and old, old ass cases from the 1800, that being said, can someone start making a modern English translation. The property case we had to read for today, Some Bank v. Adams, was decided in 1882, it involved a will, an excerpt which was completely convoluted, confusing and just made no fuckin sense. On top of that, we were learning about future interests in trusts, which is a hard enough topic in and of itself, yet you want me to read about some dudes will, that talks about different wives, children, trusts, trustees and creditors and expect me to follow. Rot.
The above paragraph which is about the case law we MUST read as students is in DIRECT CONFLICT with this perception of lawyers needing to write in PLAIN ENGLISH....Plain English from which time period? Someone's gotta break it down, and before you say I should do it, no, because I don't understand it. Someone who either has a background in Latin, English Common Law and Antiquities.
Anyway, I really need to get back to evidence. It just pissed me off that I had to read yet another Latin phrase, and I know it will not be my last. Fuck Latin, no one even speaks that shit.
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