i'm ready to go to the ER now
This weekend has probably been one of the worst of my life (I feel like I say that too much so it's losing it's losing its effect). Anywho, my Uncle Vic passed away last week, he was suffering from cancer and was ready to make his transition into a better place without pain and the frailty of the human form. He is loved by family and colleagues and I think everyone will really miss him.
Baruch dayan emet~Blessed is the true Judge (Hebrew prayer for the deceased)
Some background info:
August 14thish, I believe it was the day after my friend Amy's wedding in Rochester, my bff and I were like hey, lets get our traguses (tragi?) pierced! She already had her left side done and me being an ink & metal nut was itching for a new piercing. (I swear this will eventually translate into something about law school) This is a tragus:
Very sensitive, very delicate, very painful. All things were going dandy, I started to get a keloid but the warm salt water and tea tree oil was taking care of it. Fast forward to 2 weeks ago, it was Friday and I bumped the shit out of my piercing. It's on my right side, which is my dominate side, which was probably my mistake and I don't know how I did it, I'm just a clumsy person.
Sunday Uncle V went into the hospital and the next Sunday he passed. I missed class when I found out he went into the hospital and the Monday after he passed. Have my professors been understanding? Well, most of them. Attendance unfortunately does still matter, but I'm the type of person that cannot concentrate on something if something else is bothering me or has my focus. Usually it takes something significant. Other examples have been when something stupid happened at my old job at PF Changs and I was so agitated that I couldn't study because I wanted to roundhouse kick my manager in the face, and since I couldn't do it, I just had to go to bed instead. Obviously the death of a family member is waaaay more jolting to the psyche. How have you guys coped with family situations or other life challenges and balanced school? It just sucks because although you have a life, school does not stop for you, the readings don't stop, the work doesn't stop, nothing STOPS and you just want a minute to PAUSE LIFE and BREATHE.
Moving on, Wednesday, the week of the funeral, I went to the health center on campus. This is the same health center that diagnosed me with a "virus" in undergrad and 2 days later I ended up in the ER with meningitis. The pain on my tragus was like being in an airplane with a head cold, an ear infection, a sinus infection and underwater at the Mariana Trench (deepest oceanic trench in the world) all at the same time and it feels like your head is going to explode.
The dr. cut off the earring, gave me a script for antibiotics and a pain killer and sent me on my way. I couldn't make it to class because I was in sooo much pain I could barely walk. I went home took something out of a bottle and passed the F out.
That night my mom was coming down from MI then we were gonna drive to DC for the funeral. I was in a bad mood because of the Marianas trench and what not, so mommy was being mean to me boo. I put a warm compress and took some more pills along the lines of ibprofen 800 or 600 and it WAS NOT making a dent in the pain. I woke up around 5am and finally I couldn't handle the pain anymore. My mom asked me if I wanted to go to the hospital but I was like ohh I'm fine but an hour later my mom drove me to the ER. They kept asking me stupid questions about the pain scale from 1-10 and I kept saying 10 but they kept not giving me anything for the pain. We truly need the better pain scale at hospitals because I was at a "too serious for numbers."
My diagnosis: pyogenic granuloma of the skin; chronic perichondritis of pinna.
Don't ask me what that is because I don't fuckin know. What I do know is the shit hurt like fuck and I'm done w/ piercings...tats OK but I am done.
On top of that, the meds the ER doc gave me had me jacked up something fierce which didn't help with the pain, lets just say I was borderline bulimic the amount of vomiting I did on that trip.
OK, the moral of the story is........it sucks when outside life starts to slip into law school life. How do you keep up with the work, how many days do you get to wallow? Let me know your thoughts.
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