it's always sunny in....california?

I know I've already talked about the people I hate in law school...but can I talk more about the people I hate in law school?

Property, probably one of the most challenging classes because if you don't work at it and practice it leaves you like a slowly dissipating fart.
We're about a month and a half into the semester, the work is getting very difficult (rule of perpetuities, future interests, remaindermen, I won't bore you), so stupid first year fucker, instead of letting the professor press on you are just going to continuously ask hypothetical questions unrelated to the subject material until the professor runs out of time and can't finish his thought on what we were actually supposed to be learning before you started to berate him with nonsensical questions about information that is not going to be on the final exam???

Yes, I am talking about you Justine. And if you happen to ever come across this Justine, shut the fuck up. (I think it's Justine, maybe Jessica, Jamie or John, at any rate it starts with a J). Also, you're dumb.

I am also going to seriously make an effort to get some law school fashion pics.


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